Real Estate in East Cape
The East Cape Baja is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Mexico. Most of the real estate that goes into the area is usually very expensive - and many people who buy homes in the area do so because they think the property value will appreciate more than they will. That's not always true.
One reason is that the homes in the area have been rebuilt over the past few decades and face much less of a challenge in terms of maintenance than they did before. Another reason is that there is a lack of new housing in the area.
Buying in East Cape
If you look at the real estate market in general, you'll find that most of it is still highly influenced by supply and demand. The East Cape, on the other hand, has seen a sharp decline in the number of homes for sale. That's why there is a relatively high price in homes in the area. Still, a buyer can find some good deals if he or she looks in the right places.
One thing to remember is that while builders are anxious to build more homes in the East Cape, they don't want to build too many in any one area. It will take them a lot of time to get those properties built, which is another reason why the prices aren't as high as other parts of the country.
Homes in East Cape
As a result, buyers need to know what they can expect from homes in the area. First, the homes are generally smaller than those in other parts of the country - perhaps 30% smaller. Second, most of the homes are located within a couple of hours' drive for most of the city of Puerto Vallarta. Third, the east cape has some of the most beautiful beaches on the planet.